How much do NaBSCO concert tickets cost? You decide!

NaBSCO strives to share live classical music with our communities at ticket prices that everyone can afford. We invite audience members to choose the price you think is fair.

Why this pricing policy?

Simply put, NaBSCO’s mission calls for us to make classical music concerts accessible to everyone who wishes to attend! Until 2021, we had two, set pricing tiers: $15 for “general admission” and $5 for “students & seniors.” We recognized that this pricing structure did not work for all potential audience members, and—inspired in part by local arts organizations like the Wilbury Theater Group announcing a similar change—decided to shift to a “Pay-What-You-Think-Is-Fair” policy. We have been humbled to observe that our average payment per audience member has actually increased since we made this change! More importantly, new audience members have been able to join us.

How does it work?

When you buy tickets to a NaBSCO concert, you choose the price. We ask you to consider what you think is fair, taking into account your own budget needs and the value of the concert to you.

On our online ticketing site, you can choose your best fit from among five choices—and there is an option to add a donation if you choose to pay more. We used to have open-ended pricing on our online ticketing platform, but the site wasn’t really designed for that, resulting in an experience that was confusing for many visitors. If you prefer to pay when you arrive at the concert, payments may be made in any amount.

Everyone is welcome, whatever price you choose! All concerts are open seating.

Standard - $15

Our former “General Admission” rate.

Budget - $5

Our former "student/seniors" rate, available to anyone who finds this ticket price a better fit.

Elevated - $25

An elevated price point for audience members who are able to help subsidize affordable tickets for all.
Thank you!

Supreme - $40

Tickets purchased at this price help ensure that we can offer accessible concert prices for all audience members! Thank you!

Free - $0

We are committed to keeping our concerts accessible!